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The power of a hug.

The above photograph was published in the Worcester Telegram & Gazette, November 18th 1995. Kyrie is the little one with a red dot that hugs her little sister Brielle, and that’s their story.

Both Jackson’s twins were born October 17th 1995 in the Massachusetts Central Medical Center, twelve weeks premature. The medical staff looked after the twins in two separated incubators. Kyrie, that was two pounds three ounces at birth, was sleeping and gaining weight with all her vital indications stable.

Unlike Kyrie, her sister Brielle with a lower weight soon showed heart and respiratory problems. Her blood/ oxygen level was poor and she was not gaining any weight. On November 12th her condition was critical, with severe respiratory difficulty, hiccups, high heart rate and bluish color in her skin. The nurse that was looking after her tried by all methods available to help her, without success. As a desperate measure, and against the hospitals protocol, but with parental permission, she passed Brielle to Kyrie´s incubator, so they could be together for the first time since birth.

As soon as the girl was reunited with her sister, she started to calm down. In a few minutes, snuggling next to her sister, her oxygen levels improved dramatically. Kyrie then placed her little arm over Kyrie until she fell asleep. Soon both girls were fine and went home, where they shared their first cradle.

Time has passed since then. More and more people in the last years has became more aware of the relationship between our thoughts and feelings and changes in a physical world. Many books have been published with studies about how feelings, words, emotions, intention, and, in short, Love, have an effect that is not just subjective but physical and measurable. Many of us understand this truth, because we follow what our heart and intuition tell us. Personally, I am one of those that doesn’t need to know how everything works as long as I plug it in and I can benefit from it.

For those that like to understand how this interaction is possible, there are some titles that help understanding this process, or, at least demonstrate, without a doubt, that it happens.

“The miracle of water” , “Hidden messages in water” by Dr. Masaru Emoto. In my opinion, these are some of the best books about the subject, not only because of the beauty of the pictures, but because of the simplicity of the concept. Dr. Emoto takes pictures of drops of water before and after exposing them to different vibratory stimulus, like sound, written words or feelings. In the pictures taken before the exposure, water shows irregular patterns; whereas, in the pictures taken from water that has been exposed to the stimuli we can see the beautiful crystals that have formed. Considering that more than 70% of our body, as well as the planet is water, Dr. Emoto’s job is really relevant.

“The field” and “The intention experiment” by Lynne Mc Taggart are books that relate emotions with physical effects.

“Biology of beliefs” by Bruce Lipton. This cellular biologist explains in a clear and understandable language, his work in biology at a cellular level. This work lead him to witness the mind - body connection at its origin.

“Hands of light” and “Light emerging” by Barbara Brennan. Dr. Brennan shares her knowledge after researching and investigating the Human Energy Field for 30 years. She explains its anatomy, its functions and its role in our health and our life.

In any case, for all of us, the believers and the non believers alike, this story is an important reminder. Hugs are good. For the giver and for the receiver. It makes us feel loved, looked after and accompanied. They relaxed us, bring us peace, they reconcile us with the world and with our own demons. They lighten our burden and dissipate many black clouds. Let’s hug. Let’s hug often. With love. With respect. Without agenda. Without conditions.

By Helena Aramendia. Alowed the partial or total reproduction as long as the source is credited.

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